competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Friday, December 23, 2022

junior science refresher magazine

junior science refresher magazine

junior science refresher magazine Article was published in october In 2002 Dr Dilip Mahalanabis along with Dr Nathaniel F Pierce was awarded the Pollin Prize by Columbia University (considered the equivalent of Nobel in peadiatrics). Oral rehydration salts (ORS) are a mixture of electrolytes (salts) and carbohydrates (in the form of sugar) dissolved in water. o They are used to replace salts and water that the body loses when you have dehydration caused by gastroenteritis diarrhoea or vomiting. o The electrolytes are potassium and sodium. These components maximize fluid absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. o The gastrointestinal tract relies on sodium-glucose cotransporters (SGLTs) which are carrier proteins in the intestinal cells. o Cotransporters help move substances across membranes. o Specifically SGLTs pair together sodium and glucose transport in the small intestine. This allows glucose to increase the absorption of fluids. o Additionally sodium needs glucose to be properly absorbed. Therefore ORS contains both glucose and sodium. Since 1975 the World Health Organization and UNICEF have used ORS to treat dehydration due to diarrhea. o Its commonly used in countries with limited access to clean water or other hydration options junior science refresher magazine subscription

junior science refresher magazine

Friday, November 25, 2022

junior science refresher magazine

junior science refresher magazine

junior science refresher magazine Published this article page no 12 Engagement of security forces Conducting elections is a mammoth complex and time consuming activity. The Election Commission takes help of a significant number of polling officials as well as armed forces to ensure smooth peaceful and impartial polls. o Frequent elections leads to a lockin of CAPF and state police forces for prolonged periods of time. Thus it takes away a portion of such armed police force which could otherwise be better deployed for other internal security purposes. Others o Frequent elections lead to disruption of normal public life. Holding of political rallies disrupts road traffic and also leads to noise pollution.  If simultaneous elections are held this period of disruption would be limited. o Frequent elections also perpetuate caste religion and communal issues across the country. o It also promotes competitive populism. Given the desperation of parties to win elections there is always a tendency to squander resources on shortterm unproductive freebies at the cost of infrastructure quality education and healthcare. o A Parliamentary Standing Committee believes that simultaneous elections will reduce voters apathy of frequent elections and will enthuse general population and voters in particular which will ultimately enhance voters participation in the electoral process. Concerns associated with One Nation One Election junior science refresher magazine subscription

junior science refresher magazine

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine use full for civil services students Published this article page no 22 the hypersaline zone in sunderbans caused by the rising temperature and sealevel.hydrological modifications like water diversion deepening widening and straightening waterways and commission of large barrages upstream.other reasons include pollution(water and noise) deliberate killing for dolphin oil bycatch in gillnets and line hooks etc. conservation efforts a conservation action plan for the gangetic dolphin 20102020 has been formulated by the ministry of environment forest and climate change. it provides following recommendations o potential sites for intense dolphin conservation should be demarcated and states with gangetic dolphin populations should have a regional dolphin conservation centre. o the use of nylon monofilament fishing gillnets should be banned and critical water flow and minimum depths for all river dolphin habitats should be determined. o transboundary protected areas between india nepal and Bangladesh competition success review buy.

Competition success magazine

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Grihalaxmi magazine - Hindi

Grihalaxmi magazine - Hindi

Grihalaxmi magazine - Hindi Published this article page no 32 protect areas can be protected by the construction of dams dikes and by improving natural defenses.these adaptation options can be further divided into hard and soft. o hard adaptation relies mostly on capitalintensive humanbuilt infrastructure and involves largescale changes to human societies and ecological systems. because of its large scale it is often not flexible. o soft adaptation involves strengthening natural defenses and adaptation strategies in local communities and the use of simple and modular technology which can be locally owned. the two types of adaptation might be complementary or mutually exclusive. about gebco gebco is an international group of mapping experts which aims to provide the most authoritative publiclyavailable bathymetry of the worlds operates under the joint auspices of the international hydrographic organization (iho) and the intergovernmental oceanographic commission (ioc) (of unesco) grihalakshmi hindi magazine subscription.

Grihalaxmi magazine - Hindi

Monday, July 25, 2022

General knowledge Refresher

General knowledge Refresher

General knowledge Refresher Published this article page no 51 landmark curt cases in rder t bring unifrmity the curts have ften said in their judgements in cases like shah ban case (1985) sarla mudgal case (1995) daniel latifi case that the gvernment shuld mve twards a ucc. anticnversin laws why in news? the karnataka legislative assembly passed the karnataka right t freedm f religin bill 2021 cmmnly referred t as the anticnversin bill. states that have anticnversin laws currently there are at least nine states in the cuntry where legislatins n unlawful cnversins are in frce disha madhya pradesh arunachal pradesh gujarat himachal pradesh chhattisgarh jharkhand uttarakhand and uttar pradesh 8 imprtant curt verdicts n anticnversin laws rev. stainislaus vs state f madhya pradesh & rs (1977) curt upheld the cnstitutinality f earliest anticnversin statutes in madhya pradesh and rissa.  freedm t prpagate nes religin as stipulated under article 25 (1) did nt grant a fundamental right t cnvert anther persn General knowledge Refresher buy.

General knowledge Refresher

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine Published this article page no 41 issues related to constitution 1.1. local reservation in private sector why in news? the haryana government has challenged in supreme court the order by the punjab & haryana high court to halt 75% quota in private jobs for locals. more on news the haryana state employment of local candidates act 2020 came into force on january 15 2022. haryana is not the first state in india to push for such a move. others like maharashtra andhra pradesh karnataka and madhya pradesh have already tried to reserve private jobs for locals. but all of them have run into hurdles. related information on the issue of legislation for sons of the soil the 2020 announcement by the madhya pradesh government to reserve all government jobs for children of the state raised questions relating to the fundamental right to equality Competition Refresher Magazine buy.

Competition Refresher Magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no 39 fossils have been found on the rocks of the yerrapalli formation (rock formation in the pranhita– godavari basin in telangana). dinosaur species footprints in thar desertfootprints of 3 dinosaur species found in thar desert rajasthans jaisalmer district. o all the three species belonging to the early jurassic period were carnivorous. thar desert is the 18th largest subtropical desert land and also one of the most populated ones as 40 percent of the human population of rajasthan lives in thar desert. o it extends from sutlej river and is enclosed by the great rann of kutch the aravalli mountains and the indus river. discovery of dragon man skull in china Shine india monthly magazine buy

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no 37 government reopened the kartarpur corridor with pakistan ahead of upcoming guruparab the birth anniversary of first sikh guru guru nanak.kartarpur corridor was inaugurated in 2019 to commemorate the 550th birth anniversary of guru nanak.corridor connects the dera baba nanak (in india) with sri kartarpur sahib gurudwara (in pakistan) located on the east bank and west bank of river ravi respectively. guru nanak spent last 18 years of his life at kartarpur and the kartarpur corridor allows a visafree day only travel to sri kartparpur sahib for devotees. nihangsnihang is an order of sikh warriors characterised by blue robes antiquated arms such as swords and spears and decorated turbans surmounted by steel quoits Shine india monthly magazine buy.

Shine india monthly magazine

Monday, July 18, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  64 Elevated fiscal risks such as weak revenue collections under the good and services tax (GST) and large revenue forgone due to reduced corporate tax rates.  Short term transitional difficulties in the implementation of structural reforms taken by the government. E.g. slow input tax refunds on GST collections have depressed growth for many small and medium enterprises (SMEs).  High uncertainty in fiscal variables because of challenges such as large shortfall in collections as compared to original forecast high volatility in collections accumulation of large integrated GST credit glitches in invoice and input tax matching and delay in refunds etc.  REPORT OF THE 15TH FINANCE COMMISSION FOR FY 202021 Why in news? Recently the Fifteenth Finance Commission submitted its report with recommendations for the financial year 202021. More on the news  The commission was constituted by the President of India under Article 280 of the Constitution to make recommendations for a period of five years commencing 1st April 2020.  The final report of the Commission with recommendations for the 2021 26 period will be submitted by October 30 2020. Key Recommendations of the Report Criteria of Devolution Vertical Devolution  An aggregate share of 41 percent of the net proceeds of Union taxes (divisible pool) should be devolved to States in the year 202021 Shine india monthly magazine buy.  

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  63 Volatility in Oil prices and Its impact on Indias economy Until May 2019 India was the second largest buyer of crude oil from Iran. Any disruption in supply or price hike could deplete our countrys foreign reserves. The embargo by USA has also restricted India from buying oil from Iran.  Effect on Indias Diaspora in Iran and the middle east In case of a fullyfledged war the safety and security of vast Diaspora in the Gulf can be at stake.  Remittance More than 50% of total remittance received by India last year came from the gulf region. Disturbance in the region would lead to decline in such remittances.  Trade Indias trade is heavily reliant on the Strait of Hormuz and its blockade would adversely affect trade. Also status of Chabahar Port may also come in question.  Security The US has ordered resumption of military training to Pakistan which it had suspended in 2018 after accusing it of not doing enough to counter terrorist groups as part of its wider West Asia strategy. This could impact overall security of the region as several terrorist outfits may become active in the region. Conclusion Tensions between the United States and Iran have been occurring for decades. Thus a breakthrough from the vicious cycle of USIran hostility would require statesmanship in both the countries with the vision to break the stalemate. 25 Developments in this period  Enactment of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act 2019 leading to the creation of two new Union Territories.  Unpredictable global scenario which is experiencing an overall slowdown in the backdrop of USChina trade war volatile geopolitical and oil politics situation. o Economic slowdown in India owing to factors such as weak investments exports and consumer confidence Shine india monthly magazine buy. 

Shine india monthly magazine

Saturday, July 16, 2022

pratiyogita darpan hindi

pratiyogita darpan hindi

pratiyogita darpan hindi Published this article page no 116   It is guided by three core principleso Recognizing value in ecosystems can sometimes ensure conservation and sustainable use. e.g. the existence of sacred groves in some cultures has helped to protect natural areas and the biodiversity they contain. o Demonstrating value in economic terms is often useful for policy makers and others such as business in reaching decisions that consider the full costs and benefits of an ecosystem. E.g. By including the costs and benefits of conserving the ecosystem services provided by wetlands in controlling floods compared to building flood defences. o Capturing value involves the introduction of mechanisms that incorporate the values of ecosystems into decisionmaking through incentives and price signals. This can include payments for ecosystem services reforming environmentally harmful subsidies or introducing tax breaks for conservation. Need of Green Economy  pratiyogita darpan hindi buy.

pratiyogita darpan hindi

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  87 POLICY REFORMS ANNOUNCED FOR OTHER SECTORS Social Infrastructure  Boosting private sector investment in Social Infrastructure through revamped Viability Gap Funding (VGF) Scheme.  Under it government will enhance the quantum of VGF to upto 30% each by Centre and StateStatutory Bodies of the Total Project Cost.  Projects to be proposed under the scheme will be by Central Ministries State Government and Statutory entities Defence Production Enhancing Self Reliance in Defence Production o Make in India could be used for increasing Self Reliance in Defence Production in following ways  By notifying a list of weaponsplatforms to be banned for import with preplanned year wise timelines.  Focussing on indigenisation of spare parts which are imported.  Separate budget provisioning for domestic capital procurement.  Improvement in autonomy accountability and efficiency in Ordnance Supplies has been envisaged by Corporatisation of Ordnance Factory Board Shine india monthly magazine buy. 

Shine india monthly magazine

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Mahindra current affairs magazine  Published this article page no  55 Criminal loses the right to live as a person committing a murder by taking the life of another forfeit their own right to life.  Saves the resources of the state as some proponents point out that the tax payers money should not be wasted in decades of appeals for the hardened criminals.  According to JS Mill all humans know the difference between whats right and whats wrong its in human nature to break the law. Those criminals are nowhere near reaching a desirable end nor do they have capacity to be virtuous and hence death penalty is justifiable for the greater utility of the society. Arguments against death penalty  The death penalty does not serve the penological goal of deterrence any more than life imprisonment. Further life imprisonment under Indian law means imprisonment for the whole of life subject to just remissions which in many states in cases of serious crimes are granted only after many years of imprisonment which range from 3060 years.  Retribution has an important role to play in punishment. However it cannot be reduced to vengeance. The notion of an eye for an eye tooth for a tooth has no place in our constitutionally mediated criminal justice system. Capital punishment fails to achieve any constitutionally valid penological goals. o In focusing on death penalty as the ultimate measure of justice to victims the restorative and rehabilitative aspects of justice are lost sight of Mahindra current affairs magazine buy. 

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Monday, July 4, 2022

competition success review

competition success review

competition success review Published this article page no 136  URBAN LAKES Why in news? The National Green Tribunal (NGT) recently pulled up the Telangana government for failing to take steps to control the pollution in Hyderabads Hussainsagar lake. What is Urban Lake?  According to the National Lake Conservation Plan (NLCP) a water body having a minimum depth of three meters spread over more than 10 hectares and having no or very little aquatic vegetation is considered as a lake. o Urban lakes are those lakes which are located entirely within city limits (census town) and directly surrounded by urban developments with some recreational facilities limited to the shoreline area (parks playgrounds). Importance of Urban Lakes Historically cities were built along waterways or lakes which influence the development of urban areas. They play a major role in providing environmental social and economic services.  They can ease the impact of floods and droughts by the means of storage.  They also help in replenishing groundwater level as they are essential receptors for groundwater recharge positively influencing water quality of downstream watercourses and preserving the biodiversity and habitat of the surrounding area.  Lakes are cooling agents and are essential to the urban microclimate.  They provide prime opportunities for recreation tourism and domestic purposes.  They constitute a primary source of water supply in many places competition success review buy.

competition success review

Junior science refresher

Junior science refresher

Junior science refresher Published this article page no  144 However in May 2012 SC had stalled the plan to initiate African cheetahs into KunoPalpur sanctuary. Various factors contributed to this o Cheetah may come into conflict with a parallel project to reintroduce lions into the same sanctuary and priority has to be given for preservation of our own species. o Whether African cheetahs would find the sanctuary a favourable climate as far as abundance of prey is concerned. o Whether there would be mananimal conflict in KunoPalpur on the cheetahs introduction.  In 2013 SC quashed the plan for introducing African cheetahs to KunoPalpur.  The cheetah plan was revived in 2017 by central government. Related Information  India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP) and BEEs draft strategy plan for accelerating energy efficiency in India – UNNATEE (Unlocking NATional Energy Efficiency potential) was launched in 2019. o ICAP aims to reduce cooling demand across sectors by 20% to 25% by 203738 and cooling energy requirements by 25% to 40% within the same period. o UNNATEE provides a roadmap for meeting Indias goals on climate change through energy efficiency.  Both plans are a call to action to accelerate the implementation of energy efficiency initiatives to reduce energy demand and energy intensity in all sectors while still powering growth in India. About Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) Junior science refresher buy.

Junior science refresher

Thursday, June 2, 2022

drishti current affairs today

drishti current affairs today

drishti current affairs today Published this article page no  tataowned air india has proposed to acquire airasia india lowcost indian airline run by tata group. tata sons currently hold an . percent stake in airasia india while the remaining . percent of the company is owned by airasia investment ltd aail which is part of malaysias airasia group. air india ltd ail and its subsidiary air india express were also acquired last year by talace private limited a whollyowned subsidiary of tata sons private ltd. under the current proposition air india has reached out to the antitrust regulator competition commission of india cci to wholly acquire airasia india. the proposal relates to the acquisition of the entire equity share capital of airasia india private limited by air india ltd. an official statement by air india stated that the proposed merger will not lead to any change in the competitive landscape or cause any appreciable adverse effect on competition in india irrespective of the manner in which the relevant markets are defined drishti current affairs today buy.

drishti current affairs today

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

competition success magazine

competition success magazine

competition success magazine Published this article page no  50  Especially the singer. He is starting to miss when he is supposed to be coming in, and slurring words. While the boys in the band are finding it hilarious, the crowd are not. Joe is starting to get tipsy. The next song Joe’s guitar starts making funny noises, and the sound starts cutting out. Eventually Joe’s guitar disappears. He randomly stomps on some pedals and realizes that there is no power. He was sure those 9 volt batteries were still good. Joe unplugs his guitar lead from the pedal board and plugs it straight into his amp. Joe is getting angry, just like the crowd and the bar manager. Two songs from the end, the stage goes black. All the amps turn off and all that can be heard is the drummer pounding away. After a few seconds all of the Nymphos are standing around, looking stupid wondering what is going on. About 30 seconds later, the power returns. The band chats quickly and decides to start the song again. This time they get through it all. They play there last song the few remaining patrons, pack up, pick up their cheque and leave the bar, never to return. Could it get any worse for Joe and his band, the Psycho Nymphos? I doubt it. But they could have survived all of these problems by being prepared. It may seem insurmountable, but I have played a gig where nearly all of this happened in one night, and we survived. It’s all preparation. This is what you need to do to survive this nightmare. ALWAYS STAY IN CONTACT There is no excuse to be late to a gig. With today’s modern communications technology, everyone has the potential to be contactable all of the time. Even if Joe got the time wrong, a simple phone call would have solved all the problems. However, it is always a great idea for a band to meet at a central location at some point before a show, and travel together “convoy” style if possible. This is a sure fire way to make sure everyone arrives on time, doesn’t get lost, or can get assistance if something does go wrong. The spill over effect of this is that when you arrive on time, you can take your time and set up properly, sound check, as well as check your equipment for problems and in general, relax before the show starts. KNOW WHAT SONG COMES NEXT Unless you are some freeform jam rock improv jazz type thing, you need to know what you are going to play competition success review buy.

Monday, May 16, 2022

gny magazine

gny magazine

gny magazine Published this article page no  21 In fact, it can be very credibly said that the more we discover just how astronomically big things are, like the incomprehensibly lengthy life expectancy of the sun, the more important the little things become. Imagine, then, the true cosmic significance of a ready smile or, even more deliciously, a tender kiss. After all, even the robustly effusive sun can’t do those things, even given five billion years to make the attempt. We conclude by advising you to recall, as the welter of negative news that is the daily lot of all of us affronts your conning brow, what your grandmother often advised: count your blessings. As a final service to those who have been gracious enough to accompany us on our wanderings about eternity and immediacy, we herewith present a list of blessings to count as we attempt to make our stay on the earth consonant with the eons Oh, Solo Mio is likely to shine out in a temperate manner. They are taken from the daringly innovative piece of popular philosophizing by Charles Blaise, called Life Itself As A Modern Religion. If you enjoy this brief sampler, you might like to know that the entire book is a free read at  We consider it a surprisingly informed and sanely serious approach to our condition, as we hope to be a winningly informed and sanely funny rendition of it. TEN BLESSINGS* 1. Bless life. It is Creation’s highest gift and the supreme natural form of matter and energy. 2. Bless Creation. It has given us life, in all its forms and with all its possibilities. 3. Bless our bodies, Creation’s handiwork. They are the temples of our lives and the basic source of all our joy. 4. Bless our brains. They enable consciousness and all of our thoughts, talents, and feelings. They let us experience self-awareness and sensations, make right decisions, contribute achievements, and enjoy life, while they coordinate our physical movements and conduct the multitudinous involuntary processes that sustain our lives. 5. Bless our spirits. They constitute our communicative feelings and thoughts and help us have good relationships with ourselves, others, other animals, plants, our inanimate environment, and all of Creation. 6. Bless our love makers, by which I mean our genitals. They let us enjoy sex life, renewing our union in Creation’s most physical way, helping us relax, and, most vital of all, letting us create new life. 7. Bless the other animals and the plants. They’re our animate partners in Paradise. 8. Bless the land, air, water, and all other things. They’re our inanimate partners. 9. Bless our peacekeepers. They help preserve life and our natural Paradise. 10. Bless our natural Paradise. It’s our basic home in the universe and the planet on which Creation has evolved us. *© 2006 Charles Blaise. Reprinted with permission geography and you magazine buy.

gny magazine

mahendras monthly magazine

mahendras monthly magazine

mahendras monthly magazine Published this article page no  20 Meanwhile, what invitingly positive items might we busy ourselves with during the next five billion years or so? After all, our unrealistic and yet, we suspect, achievable goal is more than just hanging on for the essentially eternal ride; it’s enjoying the wondrous flight through space and time. So we suggest that, besides obsessing about the well-barnacled threats that have accreted in our minds and burden our otherwise eager capacity for joyful employment and lassitude, we absolutely insist on reserving ample time to contemplate the invitations to delight, large or small, that our everyday lives might provide during the razor-thin mark on the tape measure of time that represents our individual stays on the still acceptably fulgent earth. For example, if you have something to do today that you know would be a remarkable or, at least, modestly praiseworthy achievement, we suggest you think about getting it done. If you love somebody, we recommend you consider how fortunate you are, particularly if you’re relatively confident that the recipient of your invocations to mutual affection also loves you. And so we go, from our grandest considerations right on down to even the most inconsequential massages of our pleasure principle, say, for example, checkers. If you somehow have time to play the game, we suggest you concentrate on your next deft moves. You’ll have a jolly time and, as you know, you as an individual gamester don’t have anywhere near five billion more years to make your triumphant jumps. We conclude by saying that, rather than being exclusively concerned about whatever we’re to do when the sun flares out, we might more wisely consider occupying ourselves with the view through the other end of the telescope, that is, with the smaller delights and damnations that make up our daily lives. Actually, when you consider how remote or beyond our influence most of the enormities we’re supposed to be properly troubled by are, you realize, with enormous relief, that the little things which effervesce in our daily lives are really, as bubbles to the tang of champagne, the biggest things  mahendra master in current affairs pdf buy.

mahendras monthly magazine