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Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Mahindra current affairs magazine  Published this article page no  55 Criminal loses the right to live as a person committing a murder by taking the life of another forfeit their own right to life.  Saves the resources of the state as some proponents point out that the tax payers money should not be wasted in decades of appeals for the hardened criminals.  According to JS Mill all humans know the difference between whats right and whats wrong its in human nature to break the law. Those criminals are nowhere near reaching a desirable end nor do they have capacity to be virtuous and hence death penalty is justifiable for the greater utility of the society. Arguments against death penalty  The death penalty does not serve the penological goal of deterrence any more than life imprisonment. Further life imprisonment under Indian law means imprisonment for the whole of life subject to just remissions which in many states in cases of serious crimes are granted only after many years of imprisonment which range from 3060 years.  Retribution has an important role to play in punishment. However it cannot be reduced to vengeance. The notion of an eye for an eye tooth for a tooth has no place in our constitutionally mediated criminal justice system. Capital punishment fails to achieve any constitutionally valid penological goals. o In focusing on death penalty as the ultimate measure of justice to victims the restorative and rehabilitative aspects of justice are lost sight of Mahindra current affairs magazine buy. 

Mahindra current affairs magazine

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