competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Monday, July 25, 2022

General knowledge Refresher

General knowledge Refresher

General knowledge Refresher Published this article page no 51 landmark curt cases in rder t bring unifrmity the curts have ften said in their judgements in cases like shah ban case (1985) sarla mudgal case (1995) daniel latifi case that the gvernment shuld mve twards a ucc. anticnversin laws why in news? the karnataka legislative assembly passed the karnataka right t freedm f religin bill 2021 cmmnly referred t as the anticnversin bill. states that have anticnversin laws currently there are at least nine states in the cuntry where legislatins n unlawful cnversins are in frce disha madhya pradesh arunachal pradesh gujarat himachal pradesh chhattisgarh jharkhand uttarakhand and uttar pradesh 8 imprtant curt verdicts n anticnversin laws rev. stainislaus vs state f madhya pradesh & rs (1977) curt upheld the cnstitutinality f earliest anticnversin statutes in madhya pradesh and rissa.  freedm t prpagate nes religin as stipulated under article 25 (1) did nt grant a fundamental right t cnvert anther persn General knowledge Refresher buy.

General knowledge Refresher

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