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competition wizard magazine

Monday, May 16, 2022

gny magazine

gny magazine

gny magazine Published this article page no  21 In fact, it can be very credibly said that the more we discover just how astronomically big things are, like the incomprehensibly lengthy life expectancy of the sun, the more important the little things become. Imagine, then, the true cosmic significance of a ready smile or, even more deliciously, a tender kiss. After all, even the robustly effusive sun can’t do those things, even given five billion years to make the attempt. We conclude by advising you to recall, as the welter of negative news that is the daily lot of all of us affronts your conning brow, what your grandmother often advised: count your blessings. As a final service to those who have been gracious enough to accompany us on our wanderings about eternity and immediacy, we herewith present a list of blessings to count as we attempt to make our stay on the earth consonant with the eons Oh, Solo Mio is likely to shine out in a temperate manner. They are taken from the daringly innovative piece of popular philosophizing by Charles Blaise, called Life Itself As A Modern Religion. If you enjoy this brief sampler, you might like to know that the entire book is a free read at  We consider it a surprisingly informed and sanely serious approach to our condition, as we hope to be a winningly informed and sanely funny rendition of it. TEN BLESSINGS* 1. Bless life. It is Creation’s highest gift and the supreme natural form of matter and energy. 2. Bless Creation. It has given us life, in all its forms and with all its possibilities. 3. Bless our bodies, Creation’s handiwork. They are the temples of our lives and the basic source of all our joy. 4. Bless our brains. They enable consciousness and all of our thoughts, talents, and feelings. They let us experience self-awareness and sensations, make right decisions, contribute achievements, and enjoy life, while they coordinate our physical movements and conduct the multitudinous involuntary processes that sustain our lives. 5. Bless our spirits. They constitute our communicative feelings and thoughts and help us have good relationships with ourselves, others, other animals, plants, our inanimate environment, and all of Creation. 6. Bless our love makers, by which I mean our genitals. They let us enjoy sex life, renewing our union in Creation’s most physical way, helping us relax, and, most vital of all, letting us create new life. 7. Bless the other animals and the plants. They’re our animate partners in Paradise. 8. Bless the land, air, water, and all other things. They’re our inanimate partners. 9. Bless our peacekeepers. They help preserve life and our natural Paradise. 10. Bless our natural Paradise. It’s our basic home in the universe and the planet on which Creation has evolved us. *© 2006 Charles Blaise. Reprinted with permission geography and you magazine buy.

gny magazine

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