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Monday, April 15, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine this article was published in the magazine  quality of housing there is no proper supervision of the quality of houses constructed by the beneficiaries. issues in identification of beneficiaries biased approach of the gram panchayats and anomalies in the secc-2011 data. absence of data real time data regarding benefits provided under various schemes is not available owing to their non-integration on awaas app and poor coordination among concerned ministries involved. shine india monthly magazine telugu major reforms taken in the recent time electronic governance the end-to-end execution of the scheme from the selection of beneficiaries disbursal of assistance to beneficiaries verification of progress in construction release of funds etc. is conducted through workflow enabled transaction-based mis – awaassoft. mobile governance awaasapp has been launched for inspection of houses. capturing of geo-referenced photographs using awaasapp and uploading of the same on awaassoft has been made mandatory under the scheme of pmay-g for release of assistance to the beneficiaries. direct benefit transfer (dbt) under pmay-g the assistance to beneficiaries is to be transferred electronically through the awaassoft-pfms platform shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine

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