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Thursday, February 15, 2024

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 15 this article was published in december  bod represents amount of oxygen consumed by bacteria and other microorganisms while they decompose organic matter under aerobic (oxygen is present) conditions at a specified temperature. the more organic matter there is (e.g. in sewage and polluted bodies) greater the bod. greater the bod lower the amount of dissolved oxygen available for animals. criteria for polluted stretches biological oxygen demand (bod) exceeding 3.0 mg/l (milligram per liter) is identified as a polluted location. if there is a single location on river rivulet or stream and the location is not complying to bod it is identified as polluted location. two or more polluted locations identified on a river in a continuous sequence are considered as a prs. shine india monthly magazine telugu a bod less than 3mg/l means river stretch is fit for outdoor bathing. 76activities including intensive surveillance for effective enforcement for needed compliance by various point and nonpoint sources. behavioral change and citizen participation will bring the restoration and availability of water resources and would ease the water stress problem shine india monthly magazine subscription

Shine india monthly magazine

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