competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Drishti current affairs magazine English

 Drishti current affairs magazine English

Drishti current affairs magazine English published this article page no 42 keeping in view the magnitude of the work involved and as per recommendations of national productivity council in its 3rd party evaluation report nmma has been made a division of archaeological survey of india drishti current affairs magazine inenglish.

drishti current affairs magazine

 drishti current affairs magazine

drishticurrent affairs magazine published this article page no 41 the national mission on monuments and antiquities (nmma) was launched in 2007 with the objective to prepare a national database on built heritage and sites (bh&s) and antiquities from different sources and museums during the xith five year plan for information and dissemination to planners researchers etc. and better management of such cultural resources drishti current affairs magazine buyonline.

Science reporter magazine for upsc

 Science reporter magazine for upsc

Sciencereporter magazine for upsc published this article page no 40 the epigraphy branch at mysore carries out research work in sanskrit and dravidian languages while the one at nagpur carries out research work in arabic and Persian sciencereporter magazine in hindi.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Drishti ias current affairs

 Drishti ias current affairs

Drishti ias current affairs the nsd has promoted childrens theatre. it (renamed as sanskar rang toli) was founded in 1989 and has been actively involved in production of plays for children organizing summer theatre workshops in the schools of delhi and also promoting childrens theatre through saturday club drishti current affairs book

als wizard current affairs

 als wizard current affairs

als wizard current affairs published this article page no 24 in a landmark achievement indias nomination of the victorian and art deco ensembles of mumbai has been inscribed on the world heritage list of the unesco. with this mumbai becomes the second city in the country after ahmedabad to figure in the list. india now has in all 37 world heritage inscriptions with 29 cultural 7 natural and 1 mixed sites wizard current affairs magazine.

science reporter magazine

 science reporter magazine

science reporter magazine published this article page no 23 india has cultural agreements with 107 countries and agreements relating to cultural exchange programmes have been signed with 69 countries science reporter magazine for upsc.

Science reporter subscription price list in india

Science reporter subscription price list in india

Science reporter subscription price list in india latest subscribe now published this article page no 22 the ministry is also responsible for the implementation of various unesco conventions in the field of culture and for entering into cultural exchange agreements with partnering countries science reporter subscription price list in india 2017

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Pratiyogita Kiran English

 Pratiyogita Kiran English buy

Pratiyogita Kiran published this article page no 33 the national capital territory of delhi union territories of jammu and kashmir and puducherry each has a legislative assembly and council of ministers. the legislative assembly of the union territory of puducherry may make laws with respect to matters enumerated in list ii or list iii in the seventh schedule of the constitution in so far as these matters are applicable in relation to the union territory pratiyogita kiran subscription online

Pratiyogita Kiran English

 Pratiyogita Kiran English buy

Pratiyogita Kiran published this article page no 34 the legislative assembly of national capital territory of delhi has also these powers with the exceptions that entries 1 2 and 18 of the list ii are not within the legislative competence of the legislative assembly pratiyogita kiran subscription online.

Pratiyogita Kiran English

 Pratiyogita Kiran English

Pratiyogita Kiran published this article page no 35 certain categories of bills however require the prior approval of the central government for introduction in the legislative assembly. some bills passed by the legislative assembly of the union territory of puducherry and national capital territory of delhi are required to be reserved for consideration and assent of the president pratiyogita kiran subscription online.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

pratiyogita darpan agriculture 2019

pratiyogita darpan agriculture 2019

pratiyogita darpan agriculture 2019 published this article page no 31 35 consultative committees attached to various ministries were constituted for 16th lok sabha and 96 meetings were held between june 2016 to may 2017 pratiyogita darpan buy.

pratiyogita darpan agriculture

pratiyogita darpan agriculture

pratiyogita darpan agriculture published this article page no 30 the minimum membership of a consultative committee is ten and the maximum membership is thirty. pratiyogita darpan subscription the consultative committee standsdissolved upon dissolution of every lok sabha and are re-constituted upon constitution of each lok sabha pratiyogita darpan buy

pratiyogita darpan

pratiyogita darpan buy

pratiyogita darpan published this article page no 29 functioning of consultative committees of members of parliament for various ministries is one of the functions allocated to the ministry of parliamentary affairs under the government of india (allocation of business) rules 1961 pratiyogita darpan atiriktank buy.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

competition wizard current affairs

 competition wizard current affairs

competition wizard current affairs published this article page no  94 in contrast la nina tends to produce a wetter monsoon.  competitionwizard magazine la nina can affect indias winter as well. the winds of winter are from the northeast near the land surface and this is accompanied by the so called south westerly jet in the upper atmosphere competition wizard.

csr general knowledge today

 csr general knowledge today buy

csr general knowledge today published this article page no 93 nino and la nina events occur on an average every two to seven years. csrgk today magazine  typically el nino occurs more frequently than la nina.  in india el nino tends to produce a weaker monsoon but only 50% of the weaker monsoons are attributable to el nino gk today by csr

civil services chronicle magazine

 civil services chronicle magazine buy

Get latest issue subscribe civil services chronicle  unlike el nino its opposite weather phenomenon has not been studied in detail. civilservices chronicle magazine however there is enough evidence to show la nina has disruptive impacts on global weather systems. between 1871 and 2019 there were 25 la nina years civil services chronicle magazine.